On the Road Again

Everglades Moon, oil on linen, 20 x 26 inches

I don't do many Florida paintings- the landscape is too flat for me. And hot. The contours I look for in the land are not there- possibly explaining why I spend more time lost in Florida than all other places combined.

First show of the year - The Winter Park Sidewalk Art Festival- is weekend after next, the 14, 15 & 16 of March. I spent the last two days packing the Juggernaut, and, well, ok, frantically tying another couple dozen flies. I head to North Carolina tomorrow, visit with my folks for a day, then head to the Everglades for a few days fishing and paddling before the show.

Shows are always a mixed blessing. I like visiting with people and catching up with friends, and on my reading, but the interruption to my work process is very frustrating. Even that might be a blessing in disguise- all the time I spent driving last year kept me away from the easel, but not away from thinking about it. Many of the things I am trying to address now- scale, paint handling..........fractals- OK, I would say surface quality- are a result of all the thinking/driving time from last summer. Given the opportunity, I am my father's son- I work. So, the self-imposed exile of the shows may be a benefit, whether I like to admit it or not. Winter Park is a treat for me because Darby comes down and we stay with her folks, who spoil me to no end at the dinner table.

It will probably be a couple weeks before I get to post again, as it is more of a tech hassle than I can usually deal with on the road. Unless the fishing is really good. Might have to crow a bit, if I haven't jinxed myself by saying this. Never mess with Spedis.

Richard Harrington

Artist living in Oregon.